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Patrizia in Studio 11.20.1.jpg


Born in Bordeaux, France

Lives and Works Globally

Patrizia’s art is a direct reflection of her life — one of diversity — of location and culture, and in the exploration of message, subject matter, media and technique. Abstract or figurative, many of Patrizia’s paintings, sculptures and mosaics depict contemporary interpretations of iconic images of man and woman — veritable or mythical — of contrasting archaic ideals and superstitions that challenge modern perceptions of beauty, beliefs and biases. Much of the art seeks to meld culture, societal change and progression. Present in much of Patrizia’s art is our earth, rough and coarse as the planet’s crust, or a fusion of changing moods and strength of motion — cycles of influence from celestial bodies and the ocean.


Patrizia melds years of living and traveling in Europe and North Africa into a unique art style. “My best memories are of my mother taking the family to museums, old Roman cities and temples, archeology sites, cathedrals and palaces. It furnished a strong classical yet diverse foundation for my art.”


In addition to studying fine art throughout her life, Patrizia graduated Magna Cum Laude in Atlanta, USA in graphic arts. Over the past 20 years, Patrizia has exhibited internationally, in solo and group shows in the United States, the Caribbean and Europe. Two of Patrizia’s paintings are in permanent museum collections in Ventimiglia and Bologna, and two of her large sculptures can be found in public gardens in Italy near the border to France. 


Recent Shows:

2024 — Atlas; NAG Art Gallery; Pietrasanta, IT

2023 — Redemption; Biennale d’Art Contemporain Sacré, Mentone FR

2023 — Group show: Terra; Galleria Angelica, Rome italy 

2022 — Solo show: Seasons on the Riviera, Villa Miki, Bordighera Italy 

2021 — “Transcendence” Biennale d’Art Contemporain Sacré, Mentone FR; group exhibition of 150 artists to include: Banksy, Kusama, Picasso, Hirst, Rickter

2021 — “io sono: i am me” Studio d’Arte Galleria, Bordighera, IT; solo show of 19 mixed media canvases and mosaics

2019 — Ode á la Vie, Biennale d’Art Contemporain Sacré, Mentone FR; group exhibition of 200 artists to include: Miró, Rauschenberg, Dalí, Pistoletto, Tilson

2019 — “Madre Terra: In Your Hands” Museo Archeologico Rossi Ventimiglia, IT; three month solo exhibition of 30 mixed media canvases and sculptures 

2018 — “Voices from the Past,” Bordighera, IT; solo exhibition of 25 mixed media canvases

Grants & Awards 

1990-2008 over 70 graphic design awards, Houston, Texas, US and Global

1976 Gold Key Scholastic Award New York; 1st place and honorable mention

1974 Brandeis Art Award


2021 ARTEOGGI — Patrizia A. Salles, contemporary artist in dialog with history, by Alessio Santiago Policarpo

2014 Mosaic Art Today — art book featuring international mosaic artists, Schiffer Publishing, NY

1992-2000 - Various articles, Houston Business Journal

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