Through the life of the two-month show MADRE TERRA: NELLE NOSTRE MANI at the Museo Civico Archeologico “Giralomo Rossi” Ventimiglia, I had the opportunity to meet many amazing people from all points of the globe. Government representative, dignitaries, clergy, artists and art professors, art collectors, archeological enthusiasts, families and historians. Thanks to all of you who took time out to see the exhibit.
Originally a church then monastery (circa 1,100), the site was later turned into an impregnable fortress. Today, the museum takes up three floors with an expansive terrace overlooking the mediterranean, Italy to the left, France and Monaco to the right.
To display among priceless arts and objects of antiquity was quite humbling. Interjecting a space of over 40,000 square feet with 27 canvases and three sculptures hardly making a dent. Three main events were held around the exhibit which ran from June 21 through August 11, 2019, each one generating diverse discussions.
An often repeated sentiment: evocative!
(top L) Neptune in the sala of glass; (center) Discussion on lower level at exhibit opening; (top R) Daniela Gandolfi, PHD Istitute Internazionale Studii Ligure introduction at opening; (middle L) Favio Piuma, curator MAR Museum and Patrizia at closing discussion "Divine Beings of Antiquity;" (bottom L) Daniela Gandolfi and Patrizia inaugurating the sculpture Madre Terra; (bottom R) "Divine Beings of Antiquity" discussion in the Sala della Scultura.
A few of the comments from the book:
“Very, Very beautiful Exposition!!!! I am very happy to see it all. Your theme is magic and completely hit my soul.”
Lorenzo and my family
“Complements to the artist: brilliant technique, refined in the choice of subject matter. And in the case of the sculptures and terrace installation – a very important and profound message.”
Alessandro Santiago Policarpo, art critic, historian and curator
“The exhibit very interesting. Compliments to the artist. You are on a path filled with success.”
(top L) HERA II mixed media on canvas in sala delle sculture; (top R) Lower gallery of MAR Ventimiglia with mixed media canvases; (middle L) Patrizia with Daniela Gandolfi, PHD Istitute Internazionale Studii Ligure and Simone Bertolucci consiglio comunale di Ventimiglia; (center) In Our Hands sculpture steel, wire and concrete;" (middle R) Sala della Luna wit Diana sculpture, steel, wire and concrete during closing; (bottom L) Children on terrace with Madre Terra sculpture steel, wire and concrete; (bottom R) Museum entrance .
Special thanks go to curators of the show: Fabio Piuma of the Museo Civico Archeologico “Giralomo Rossi” Ventimiglia http://www.marventimiglia.it ; Silvia Alborno of Qui Presenti who even though deeply involved in the concurrent “Monet in the Riviera” show, she managed to get us organized; the Citta di Ventimiglia; and most especially Daniela Gondolfi, of the Istituto Internazionale di Studi Liguri http://www.iisl.it. Their belief in me, my art, their vision and foresight attest to the success of the show and how perfectly everything flowed through the museum’s vast trove of ancient treasures. Special thanks also go out to Barone Vincenzo Ciani Bassetti of Castel Roncade for his patronage and Alessio Santiago Policarpo for the creation of the conference Ancient Influences in Contemporary Art, Alterations in Memoriam, which encompassed the exhibit.

For those of you that missed Madre Terra, here is a short synopsis on the exhibit:
Interpretations of past cultures and societal change are the focus of Patrizia’s solo exhibition. How civilizations evolve, grow, progress and transform. Dug from the ancients, melded in contemporary thought, “Mother Earth” suggests strata revealed from our earth in reverse, of historical and scientific discovery. As would be found in a crumbling palace or church her mixed media canvases and sculptures contrast ruggedness with opulence, of exquisite details shining through the shabby remains of a once revered scene.
The art speak eternal, mystic, mythical — rooted through time a veil separating mortal from immortal. In looking into our past, “Mother Earth” aims to raise awareness of our future. When asked “Why the Mother Earth theme?” She replied: “Research into the subject matter for my art has unearthed many facts. Our time here is an echo of what has come before and we keep repeating the same mistakes. My aim is to shed insight on our history to foster an understanding of our past failings so they may be reconciled for a better tomorrow.”

A Selection of the art remains available for private viewing through the artist.